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Fashion Illustration
by Alyssa Couture
The power of fashion journaling as a creative outlet + 'fashion' therapy.
On this page, you will find all of my current fashion sketches. They are somewhat intuitive sketches as for fashion trend reports and trend fashion news.
The power of therapeutic fashion-- when journaling both writing about clothes, and drawing fashion, this can be a part of our self-care routines. Your fashion journaling will grow people's personal wardrobes, as well as people's fashion businesses.
What types of fashion sketches do I create?
My fashion drawing is a balance of urban and nature-based designs. They are an expression of my own styles and healthy fashion design elements that I love. Mu fashion drawing journal showcased the popular wellness trend movement. I also like to draw and design fashion illustrations that express part of the New Age and Spiritual Awakening that is happening on planet Earth.
Fashion journaling is a part of fashion 'archiving'
So on this fashion illustration section of my website, you will see pieces of art that I have created, and they are part of my fashion archives.
The fashion illustrations will be about:
my fashion experiences direct or indirect
my fashion designs, and stylish outfits
current fashion trends that I love
I also like to incorporate my fashion illustrations as a part of my fashion planner, as my fashion journal is a part of my fashion planner.
Fashion Illustration Gallery
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