“Healthy Fashion, published by Collective Ink is a new model of modern, fresh, and high fashion designed for human health. Fashion for health is a new approach to fashion that awakens the soul and spirit. It is apparel used as an integrative tool and as a form of alternative medicine.
We are living during an exciting time. It is the perfect time to introduce concepts of fashion for health. Fashion for health is an enlightening pursuit for this modern era. We are in a time of a spiritual and planetary awakening, and the fashion industry is in a bit of a transition right now.
Fashion for health is being produced and promoted in a gradual progression, in pursuit of healing the mind, body, and spirit. Healthy Fashion establishes an alternative, modern approach to clothing: fashion deemed medicinal.
Fashion becomes medicinal when it treats the body therapeutically and multidimensionally. In my book, I talk about multidimensional fashion: fashion for physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual health. Fashion, to cure the ails of the body, is an important part of fashion that will help bring the Earth and humans back into balance.“

Where to buy the book
Healthy Fashion
I offer methods and ways fashion can be used as an alternative health remedy + as a long-term modern wellness trend. Fashion is to be used to support the mind, body, and spirit.