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Writer's pictureAlyssa Couture

My New Fashion Book: An Overview

Only one week is left until my book Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths releases. I have put together a fact sheet that thoroughly explains what the book is about. You can also visit Amazon to read a preview of the book here.


by Alyssa Couture

  • An overview

  • The main important subjects in the book

  • Fashion and the 5 bodies

  • What is unhealthy fashion

  • The healthy fashion alternative

Book: Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths

Fashion for the mind+body+spirit”

“Fashion as a modern medicine and health practice”

An Overview

Healthy Fashion is A New Approach

A guidebook on fashion for health. Healthy Fashion offers methods of fashion as an alternative health remedy.


An inspirational fashion campaign: healthy fashion solutions for our wardrobe and fashion industry

What’s the Purpose of healthy fashion?

We all want more ways to feel and look healthy. Fashion can do just that, and I am here to show you how. There’s so much pain and suffering in the world! Fashion is and can be used as a tool to promote and create healing, health, and overall balance and harmony.

Fashion for your health is to revamp the body, mind, and soul. If we are healthy, we are happy. We can make fashion do the work for us!

What is the book Healthy Fashion about?

It’s about fashion for health and

fashion as modern medicine and as a health practice.

What are the main issues of importance in the book?

The Fashion for Health Concept:

•Clothing used as an integrative tool and alternative medicine for mind/body/spirit

•A fresh, new approach to fashion: fashion to awaken the soul/spirit

Healthy Fashion: A new model of fresh, modern fashion that is multi-dimensional. Multi-dimensional means fashion that is physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually interactive in relation to humans.

The Golden New Age of Fashion: We are at an exciting time where fashion is in transition. Fashion in pursuit of health is an enlightening pursuit for this modern era. We are at the time of a spiritual awakening. The fashion industry is in a bit of transition right now. We are slowly catching on to producing and promoting fashion in pursuit of mind- body- spirit.

Medicinal // Therapeutic Fashion: Fashion to cure the ails of the body is an important part of dressing that will bring the Earth back into balance and heal the mind/body/spirit.

Fashion and the 5 Bodies: The Mental // Emotional // Physical // Spiritual // Energetic Fashion Dynamic and the aspects of dress all interrelate and need to be enabled for fashion for health to occur.

Plant-tech Future Fabrics: Plant-based fabrics and a wide variation from aquatic plant textiles to wild weed textiles to farm-cultivated crop textiles-- an assortment are the future of fashion. Plants are the ultimate material to wear. The future of health is to wear plants and minerals for ultimate health and wellbeing. Additionally, the plant/human connection is an ancient, sacred, healing art. Plants are the ultimate material to wear.

Universal Fashion Language: Fashion that celebrates diversity and union combined is universal fashion. Fashion communicates as a Universal language, merging the gap between segregated ways of dress. Fashion that transcends beyond the specified fashion stereotypes and promotes the individual unique self on the soul level is universal fashion. It is about embracing uniqueness but eliminating the discriminating ‘war’ of fashion that creates segregation and disconnect between people and communities.

Harmonious fashion involves evoking the wisdom of fashion to shine through. Fashion that transcends beyond the specified fashion stereotypes and promotes the individual unique self on the soul level. It is about embracing uniqueness but eliminating the discriminating ‘war’ of fashion that creates segregation and disconnect between people and communities. Harmonious fashion involves evoking the wisdom of fashion to shine through.

Included in the book: Fashion + the 5 Bodies: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Energetic, Spiritual

Physical healthy fashion

The scientific and physicality of fashion are attributable to healing the body.

Topics included:

Plant-tech • Fashion Biomimetics • Elemental Fashion • Food and Fashion Connection

•Ergonomic Fashion • Tactile Therapy of Fashion • Oxygen and Fashion • Hygienic Fashion • Cosmetic Fabrics / Topical Nutrition for the Body

Mental healthy fashion

The parts of fashion that are attributed to mental health, and ways to support the mind.

Topics included:

Universal Fashion and Cultural Integration • Social Ethics in Fashion • Fashion Politics •True Archetypal Fashion vs. False Stereotypical Fashion • Clothing Performing • Effects of Costume and its Form of Communication • Fashion as a Mask • Fashion as a Navigational Tool • Embracing Body Image • Body Exploitation in Fashion • Creating Healthy Boundaries Through Clothing • Sexual Exploitation • Self-Objectification of Ethno-Religious Dress

Emotional healthy fashion

Topics included:

How emotions are affected through fashion and ways to support the emotions through dress. Emotions and the Energetics of Fashion • Textile Visual Art • Color Therapy in Fashion

Energetic healthy fashion

Topics included:

The energy body and its relation to fashion. How fashion attributes to the energy body. Frequency of Fibers and Dyes • Energetic Fashion and the Human Aura • Fashion for Protection; A Natural Shield of Armor

Spiritual healthy fashion

Topics included:

Based on a person’s own, unique faith and how fashion and spirituality go together.

Spiritual Fashion • Galactic Fashion • Holy Symbols • Dress of the Ascended Masters

What is Unhealthy Fashion?

-Fashion made from synthetics is not of similar composition to the body. The chemicals used are creating toxic, hazardous effects. Unbreathable fibers suppress the body.

-Monsanto, the creator of GMOs was the initial creator of synthetic fabrics and synthetic detergent. This is an indicator that synthetic materials could be contributing largely as part of the corruption in the world.

-Fashion that is void of spirit and based on an ego-based type of fulfillment.

Fashion and the occult, an impure vibration that does not support the body.

The physical effects of unhealthy Fashion

Topics included:

Brief History of Synthetic Fashion • Synthetic/Acidic Clothing to Avoid • Chemical Treated

Fabrics • Animal Fibers and their Deterrents • Bacteria-producing Synthetic Fashion • Products that Restrict and Suppress the Body

Unhealthy Fashion Technologies

Green-washing Demystified • Nano-Technology •Digital Fashion; its Hindrances

The negative effects of unhealthy emotional, energetic and spiritual fashion.

Occultism in Fashion; Its negative vibration

The plant-tech alternative

Topics included:

Plant-Based Textiles & Dyes • Natural + Alternative Substitutes • Fashion Healing Modalities • Ancient Fashion Meets Modern Fashion • What to Wear in Transition: Conventional to Sustainable to Healthy Fashion

The Future of Fashion Business: A brief overview

• Ecological Fashion for Human Health • Healthy Fashion Business • Slow vs. Fast • High vs. Low • The Modern Meaning of Luxury Fashion

A few of the major fashion philosophical teachings in the book:

  1. Spirituality Found in Fashion

  2. Fashion and The Archetypes

  3. Universal Fashion and Cultural Integration

Specific ways healthy apparel can heal the mind/body


The capabilities of 100% plant-based fashion are addressed. Comparing plant fibers vs. the cons of animal and synthetic fibers and the scientific proof of fashion to physically support the body.


Social dynamics. Archetype vs. stereotypes. Creating more union across the world through fashion. Dismantling fashion hierarchies.


Bringing the divine into the picture of fashion as a part of the spiritual awakening. Choosing materials and fashions that celebrate the soul vs. ego. Spiritual fashion is a part of the awakening as we can use fashion as a channel and portal to higher realms and states of existence.

Immediate ways to wear Healthy Fashion

- Wear the most comfortable, ergonomic clothing that makes one feel happy.

- Wear plant-based fibers like linen, cotton, etc., and/or plant-based as the first layer of an outfit.

- Create connections with clothing that evoke presence, not confidence or self-esteem. Everyone already has those qualities when clothing is a natural extension of both one’s individuality and communion with the environment and existence. It is the wisdom, spirit, and art of fashion that helps create a strong, ‘soul’ presence.

What inspired me to write Healthy Fashion?

I always had an interest in fashion. I went to college for fashion design and I have been working in fashion for quite some time. I am a fashion designer, having previously launched a small, handmade fashion brand: Alternative Fashion.

Naturally being an optimistic person, I noticed an emptiness and lack of spirit and health in fashion in general. I was then inspired to write a book that would be attributed as modern, fresh, and high-fashion for the New Age. I consider myself a fashion intuitive, and over the years I have created interesting, new concepts for fashion both through artistic, and philosophical channels.

What inspired my book and writing?

I have always had an interest in fashion, went to college for fashion design, and have been working in the field of design for quite some time. I am a fashion designer, having previously launched a small, handmade fashion brand: Alternative Fashion.

I am an optimistic person, and I noticed an emptiness and lack of spirit and health in fashion in general, including my own work.

I wanted to write a book that would be attributed as modern, fresh, and high-fashion for a new age. I have been fashion-obsessed, and I consider myself a fashion intuitive. I have spent a lot of time and energy creating new concepts for fashion both through artistic, philosophical, and through a lot of research as well.

Learn about advanced methods of fashion designed and worn to support your health

Healthy Fashion, The Deeper Truths offer new and advanced methods for human health. Fashion health provides medically + therapeutically for a modern lifestyle. Fashion as a health practice naturally moves beyond sustainable fashion creating a new kind of fashion: Fashion to activate consciousness.

Healthy Fashion is more than a book, it is an experience, revealing the deeper truths of fashion. The book is grounded in bringing both science and spirit together. The fashion concepts and theories are sure to inspire.

What’s included in the book:

Fashion for health; The 5 Bodies, Mental, Emotional Physical, Energetic, and Spiritual with medicinal and therapeutic fashion for complete comfort and freedom for daily wear

The Power of Plant-Tech: The Future of Fashion is Plant-based

Ergonomic Design: The key factor for fashion designed for the body

Fashion Gone Rogue: Unhealthy fashion for useful discernment

Going Global: Establishing fashion equilibrium on a worldwide scale

Stereotype vs. Archetype Fashion: Evolved fashion perceptions, a new take of fashion identification and fashion perception

Fabric Glossary: 35+ Plant-tech Fabrics for the Future

If this book interests you, the book is being sold at the following bookstores:

+ you will find there are so many other bookstores supporting the book worldwide, you can do a quick google search Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths, to find my book.

Only 1 week is left until my book Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths releases. I hope you have enjoyed the fact sheet that thoroughly explains what the book is about.

"We all want more ways to feel and look healthy. Fashion can do just that, and Alyssa Couture is here to show you how. There’s so much pain and suffering in the world, but fashion can be the tool to promote and create healing, health, and overall balance and harmony. The concept of fashion in pursuit of health is an enlightening pursuit for this modern era. Fashion to cure the ails of the body is an important part of dressing that will bring the Earth back into balance and health for mind/body/spirit balance." - Alyssa Couture

Check out my book page for more info about the book, and Q + A about the book and myself.


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