Photo credit: newspaper print jacket by Moschino
10 things a fashion author can't live without
I have included a list of 10 things that I do, or use daily, that inspire me as a fashion author. They keep me motivated to continue writing about fashion. I also talk about why these 10 things are so important in my life and in my fashion writing career.
1. Classical music
I love classical music. I often listen to classical music, because I can write my fashion book while I listen to classical music at the same time. Classical music is a very enlightening music source, and the instruments are soothing, calming, relaxing, while also energizing. It supports my physical and mental health. If I had to choose between any music genre, classical music is what I would choose. I love techno, but classical music is the most enlightening for me.
2. My herbal tea + coffee
I drink coffee, but no matter what, I always need a cup of herbal or caffeinated tea. I love black and green tea. I also love different boxed herbal teas of all different brands. Herbal teas really put me into a state of meditation and calm, and they help ground me into the moment. When I am writing about fashion and thinking about new fashion ideas, a cup of hot tea always puts me in a better mood.
3. Pinterest + Instagram
As a creative person, I love Pinterest. It is an amazing tool for the imagination, for fashion research, and it also helps me to discover new life experiences. The Pinterest photos on art, food, clothes-- really inspire me and support my lifestyle. It is also really important for anyone who wants to learn and discover new things. I love Pinterest.
I also really love Instagram. The way it is set up, and how the platform shows all the images together, it’s really like a visual diary, and I believe it’s a really great way to connect with people.
4. Walks
I will typically take a break and go outside into nature. I usually visit Mount Shasta. Mount Shasta is a mountain in Mount Shasta City, CA. It’s an incredible mountain, and it is said to be a spiritual vortex. I love to go there and be in nature. After my walk, when I go back to write my fashion books, my mind is very clear and focused, and I feel energized to keep writing.
5. My healthy fashions
I have started a photo journal of my looks, on the website and on social media. They represent what healthy fashion means to me. Currently, I try to wear 100% plant-based fibers, mostly cotton and some linen garments. I do wear some synthetic apparel. I love comfortable clothing. A lot of my clothes are athleisure style and modern style. My fashion photo diary is really helping me come up with new ideas and reflect on fashion in new, psychological ways.
6. Healing recipes
I absolutely love food, and I have professionally cooked and worked as a chef in the past. I jot down all of my own recipes that I make and like. Hanna Kroeger really inspired me to make food, not just as a meal, but as a way to heal the body. So, I choose to eat foods that make me feel comfortable. When I get tired from writing I think about comfort foods and foods that will really help me at the moment.
7. Window shopping
I will go out shopping, even if I don’t buy anything, and just look around. It’s always inspiring to see products available. It’s a form of therapy I enjoy and also a way to exercise. When I don’t feel like going for a walk, shopping really motivates me to move my body. Window shopping is also another way for me to get inspired by life. I also love to observe inspiring street fashion.
8. New Age Rituals
I like to connect with the Great Spirit and my spirit guides. I will sometimes say to myself, “I need a sign,” and they will give me one. My fashion writing career is very much inspired by the connection I have with Great Spirit. I am also documenting my spiritual and non-spiritual fashion experiences. This world really isn’t what it seems!
9. List-making
Lists help to keep me organized, efficient, and productive. It’s a great tool for anyone who has a lot of ideas, and a lot of things to do. This is because, when they get written down, they will eventually get done. Also, as a fashion author, I am constantly thinking of new fashion ideas, so writing them down, is like planning for my future fashion books.
10. Fashion people
When I think about fashion people, usually people from the past; Coco Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld, Diana Vreeland-- these fashion designers, and fashion people keep me motivated and inspired. Their love for fashion and their true passion for fashion is really contagious! So, whenever I need a lift, I look to fashion designers and fashion icons, because it is a good form of support. They really reveal to us the true power of fashion.
Final thoughts
Over the course of a couple of years, I have spent an extensive amount of time researching fashion, the fashion industry, and creating fashion concepts. I am finished with my first fashion book HEALTHY FASHION: THE DEEPER TRUTHS, it is in the final copy edit stage, but I still have quite a bit to do in order to bring this fashion book to light.
My book is in the process of publication, and my publisher is John Hunt Publishing. They have an incredible assortment of published books that are really modern, and futuristic.
Out of all the fashion roles I have done in my fashion career, I like being a fashion author the most. It has finally brought me to a point, where I am realizing that I really love to write about fashion, and I have so much new information to share. As a creative person, I love fashion design and apparel, and I love writing, and of course-- I love to think about fashion and understand fashion. So, I look forward to sharing more about my book with you soon!
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