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  • 10 Reasons Why Plant-Based Fashion Is Therapeutic for the Human Body

    Photo credit: Derrick Ong Plant-based fashion trend Plant-based fashion is an influential trend, and it is going to become much more popular in the future. When you think of plants, you think of terms like zen, holistic, natural, and spa. All of these terms represent plant-based fashion and "well fashion." As a fashion intuitive and based on my research, I feel plant-based fashion is a part of the trend forecasts because plants are progressive. There is something very spiritual about wearing pants, and in the book: "The Soulless One" by Mark Prophet, he states: "Of life and the garment of white linen, the vestments of spiritual purity, and at last full attainment."- Mark Prophet Mark Prophet is talking about linen, a plant-based fabric, and the garment being spiritually pure. I believe fashion is a part of spiritual ascension, and while we are on this spiritual journey, wearing plants will support our spiritual awakening. Additionally, we don't want to wear plastic as our second skin, we want to wear plant-based fabrics as our "second skin." Plants cover the earth, so we should cover our bodies with plants because we are mini earths to a degree. Part of the fashion evolution is plant-based fashion apparel, and this is happening naturally as a collective. Plant-based fashion fabrics will be the most successful type of fabric to wear in the future. When healthy plant-based fashion is a part of all fashion markets, we can then merge eco-fashion, mainstream fashion, and healthy fashion. Mainstream fashion currently produces plant-based fabrics made mostly of cotton, and linen apparel. However, in order to have plant-based fabric be the predominant type of fabric produced, we have to produce a variety of plants—in minor, moderate, and mass production. I have a glossary of 36 fabrics in my book Healthy Fashion, with a description of each fabric. In ancient South America, in ancient history, they used hundreds of different types of plants for textile use! Additionally, we have to create textiles with more advanced machinery in order for plant-based textile production to increase. We need to produce more renewable, regenerative, and circular textiles. It is wise to wear plant-based fabrics. As an energy healer, I can feel the difference between synthetic fabrics and plant-based fabrics. My wardrobe is mostly cotton, however, I still wear some polyester. I would like to add other plant-based apparel fabrics like linen, hemp, ramie, natural bamboo, and many more, etc. I make sure my undergarments and most of my first layer pieces are made of 80–100% plants. There are hundreds, probably thousands of reasons why we should wear plants. In this post, I talk about 10 specific reasons why plant-based fabrics have their therapeutic properties. Photo credit: Dhemer Goncalves The 10 Reasons plant-based fashion is therapeutic for the human body: 1. Plant-based fabric eases anxiety Plant-based fabrics are essential anti-stress fabrics because of the plant/human connection that happens when we wear plants. Plant fabrics are easier to look at, which eases anxiety. When someone is wearing polyester I can see the lack of breathability, and I know how it feels. When I see someone wearing plant-based fabrics or blends, I can breathe better. Plant-based fabric eases anxiety because they have sensory appeal. As an energy healer, I can easily detect it. Plant-based fabrics are flattering to wear which eases anxiety because you know you look good. When we see or wear plants, we are enlightened because plants are enlightening. Polyester fabrics are unbreathable (most of them). This can suffocate the body to a degree, and when our skin can’t breathe, we stress. 2. Plant-based fabric keeps us healthy Wearing plant-based fabrics is a part of the fashion wellness concept. Additionally, when we are eco-minded, we are protecting the earth and ourselves, and this supports us mentally and emotionally and makes us healthy. Plant-based fabrics are more intelligent because of the types of ingredients that make up the material vs. the synthetic fabrics that are made with usually toxic and harsh ingredients. It is part of supporting our intellectual health to wear plant-based fabrics. 3. Wearing plants is part of self-care It is a luxury to wear plants. Luxurious fashion is healthy fashion. I like to call plant-based fashion "spa" fashion because plant fabrics are spa-like. I love the design and spirit of luxury plant-based fashion. 4. Plants and herbs can be worn for medicinal purposes These innovative fabrics, dyed and treated with botanicals and herbs like aloe, neem, turmeric, and seaweed powder help support the body. Herbs infused in fabrics are an alternative health remedy. 5. The breathability of the plant-based fabric supports blood circulation If you look at the monks and gurus of the world, they are wearing robes made of cotton. This fabric is spiritual, and the fabric helps their bodies breathe while they are meditating. The energy of the plant cellulose on the body helps the blood circulate. Photo credit: Jack Redgate 6. Plant-based fabrics are hypoallergenic They are hypoallergenic for the skin because of the types of materials, textures, weaves, and knits of plant-based fibers. They are also hygienic. Some polyester fabrics will absorb and hold odors more. Fabrics like Tencel TM, linen, and lyocell bamboo are naturally hypoallergenic. 7. The plant/human connection—plants are futuristic If we look at the earth as futuristic, part of feeling youthful, fresh, and modern is to perceive plants as futuristic. Not ‘earthy’ but ‘futuristic-planet-earthy’. Plants have tranquil and energizing properties. They give us connections to the planet and universe. Circular fashion is plant-based fashion. When we support the earth and support plants, we support ourselves. 8. Plant-based fabrics cleanse and raise energy They cleanse and raise your energy—they are pure because they biodegrade after the garment has been worn. When you go to throw it out, if it has holes and you can't thrift it, you can burn the clothes outdoors, and it’s a sacred ritual. Burning plant fabrics will not hurt the earth, and when you burn your clothes, you are releasing emotions, cleansing, and raising your energy. When we meditate or visit the wilderness and are surrounded by plants, it is easier for us to meditate. So when we wear the wilderness (the plants) on our bodies, it makes it easier for us to meditate. 9. They heal the body multidimensionally Plant-based fabrics help the 5 bodies—mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic. By practicing fashion as a healing modality, we can use plant-based fabrics like hemp, linen, ramie, pina, nettle, cactus, banana, bamboo, etc. to support our multidimensional being. 10. The plant's spiritual essence is therapeutic The plant's spiritual essence - plants have a spirit essence that can heal specific ailments of the body. They are healers. The consciousness of the plant, even when broken down and made into fabric, is still alive. Final Note To learn more about plant-based fabrics and therapeutic fashion for the mind, body, and spirit, get your copy of my book Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths The way it works-- the book makes healthy fashion integrative and thought-provoking, bringing consciousness to fashion. Healthy fashion is a timely testament; to what we need, as a part of the new paradigm of living holistically. It broadcasts evolutionary concepts. One of the major concepts in the book is plant-based fashion, which makes fashion transcend its current, generally unhealthy condition. Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • Mindful Fashion: Wearing the Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water in Your Wardrobe

    About four element fashion In this post, I talk about wearing the four elements in your wardrobe. I call it four element fashion. It is essential for us to perceive clothes as a part of nature. Where and how you perceive your fashion is associated with the Earth's elements. It's a matter of understanding and perceiving your garment’s fabric, design, and silhouettes expressed as the four elements. When we take inspiration from the earth's elements and use it within our wardrobe, we begin to have a four element wardrobe that we love more and more. Four element fashion is fashion for the mind, body, and spirit. It is a spiritual perspective on fashion and a type of fashion ritual that will awaken your soul. It is a part of living a healthy lifestyle, and it relates to consciousness and enlightenment. Four element fashion is a part of our lives. When we dress wearing four element fashion, we support the earth by wearing the earth’s elements too through our apparel. When we wear four element fashion we activate the multidimensional human body. We can dress entirely in one element. We can dress in an element that we are particularly connected to more strongly than others, or we can bring all of the elements together and dress in an outfit that expresses all of the elements of water, fire, air, and earth. In my book, Healthy Fashion, I talk about the earth's elements: air, fire, water, and earth and how they are connected with our fashion. I talk about how we can dress in the elements for health and healing. A large part of the future of fashion is four element fashion: air, fire, water, and earth in relation to fashion. Like a part of our wardrobe collections, we should always include fashions that express the Earth's elements. Alchemy occurs when we wear four-element fashion. Four element fashion and the environment We have environmental poisons in the earth and universe. When we wear four element fashion, we help support the earth because it is a nature-based solution, and because we have a stronger connection with the earth's elements when we wear four element fashion. Dressing in four element fashion protects the environment and the body too. It is a form of spiritual protection. If we know that we are wearing the air, fire, water, earth, or one element predominantly, and we think about it while we wear it, this activates four element fashion. For example, it is like a prayer; sometimes we are praying, and we don’t know we are praying, and other times if we pray and we consciously know we are praying, this is going to make prayers stronger because we are conscious of our praying. We already wear four element fashion, and we subconsciously know this, but the four element fashion becomes stronger when we consciously know we are wearing it. The human body is a mini ecosystem. We are mini-earths or planets. So, we need to mimic the earth and the earth's elements with our own human body's elements and the types of fashion that we wear. Photo credit: Kei Scampa Here are a few examples of go-to fashions that represent the four elements: Water element + jersey fabric Jersey fabric is stretchy like water and moves like water. Earth element + structured blazers Structured blazers are structured in a way that mimics the rocks and the angles of the rocks, which is the earth's element. Air element + mesh fabrics Mesh fabrics with all the holes within the weave make the fabric airy, which is associated with the air element. Fire element + cotton flannel The cotton thermal fabric is associated with the fire element because of the heat it produces and the body it warms. The body always needs to be slightly warm. This warmth is not just felt—it is the energy of the body that is connected with the ‘violet fire energy.’ Wearing crystals Another example is crystals. In the concept of feng shui, they are connected with the earth element. They are found underground in the earth's crust. Wearing crystals, jewelry, crushed crystal powder textile pigments, and crystal accessories will connect us with the earth element. The Zodiac We can also look to our zodiac sign to see what element we are connected to in regards to space and the cosmos. I am a Scorpio, and Scorpio is a water sign, and I tend to wear stretchy jersey knit fabric, which is associated with the water element because it stretches and moves with the body, similar to the way water stretches when it moves. Jersey knit stretch fabrics can also be associated with the air element as well, because of the way air moves. Example of wearing both air + water element Water and air elements have properties that are "wet" and "cold." Fabrics like Tencel Lyocell have a moisturizing feel, and cooling feel to them. So when we wear Tencel, we are wearing air and water elements. We can wear specific fabrics that connect with specific elements. Fabric is just one part of fashion we can use to express and activate the earth's elements. We can also use the seams, silhouette, shape, texture, color, etc. Symbols can also connect us with the four elements. When we wear these symbols, whether they are printed on a shirt, worn as jewelry, as an accessory, or embroidered on fabric, they are holy, spiritual, and healing, and connect us with the earth’s elements. Shapes that symbolize the specific element: Air: ellipse Fire: triangle, pyramid Water: circle sphere Earth: cube, square Photo Credit: Cotton Bro In my book, Healthy Fashion, I talk about fashion and the four elements. I have named it "four element fashion". There are different ways that we can analyze our clothes in order to find out what elements we are wearing and which elements we would like to wear in the future based on the design, silhouette, color, shape, texture, and other design details. Four element fashion is a subject that can be studied and discussed in so many ways. I think it will become a popular future field of study within the fashion industry and fashion education. Others in the design industry and I will eventually create an analysis to be used in textile and design products so that they can help the industry produce clothing that supports our mind, body, and spirit with four element of fashion. In the fashion design field, we will be using the analysis to find out whether or not they are making elemental fashion that supports our mind, body, and spirit more. There will also be an four element analysis for fashion consumers, and for people’s wardrobes. Using the four elements, we can connect with our fashion in a variety of ways: Wear plant-based fibers. Wear specific colors associated with the four elements or one of the four elements. Wear specific fabrics that mimic the elements of the earth that you like to connect with or wear all four elements. Create four element fashion rituals that support your spiritual life. Connected with the elements of the earth, we practice fashion as a fashion ritual that creates this earth element/human connection. The human body —the mental, physical, spiritual, energetic, and emotional body— is made up of the four elements. We are already made up of the four elements, and when we wear four element fashion, we are creating a stronger connection with our clothes and creating a second skin that mimics the earth and universe. When we care for the earth and we perceive our fashion is connected with the earth more and more, we will then care more about our clothing and more about ourselves. For example, four element fashion feels like you are being in nature. I feel so good when I go to the ocean, desert, or forest. When I visit the energy vortexes and sacred sites around California and states in the Midwest–the places are so beautiful and the energy is so high that I really feel the earth's elements more than usual. What is important is that we choose to use the elements of nature as a form of inspiration for our clothing. I'm going to be talking about this more in an upcoming post because there is so much to talk about in regard to four-element fashion. Ultimately, nature is so beautiful, so wear the four elements, or a few of them or one of the elements predominantly, and you will be activating four element fashion in your wardrobe. Continue to add new wardrobe pieces that give you a connection with the earth's elements that is personal to you. References: Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • Women‘s/Men’s Workwear: Shop Plant-Based Looks That I Love From Gap and The Banana Republic

    In this post, I share women‘s and men’s workwear apparel from the Gap and the Banana Republic. I share pieces that I love. There are seven womenswear garments and seven menswear garments featured. I would love to do a clothing haul sometime, and just purchase from Gap and the Banana Republic alone. I feel that they have styles that represent my personal style. Because of the Corona Virus epidemic, people have been staying home and dressing more casually than when they would go to their office or where they work and dress more formally. So I wanted to showcase healthy ergonomic apparel that is comfortable to work in yet dressy. The wellness trend is a long-term trend, and a part of that trend is dressing in clothes to support the body and the mind. So, I chose to find garments that have ergonomic details in the garment, details that make the garment have high performance properties. So, when you work in them you feel more comfortable and more productive. Many of the pieces listed are transitional pieces, and they can be worn in warmer weather and cold weather. Gap and the Banana Republic sell a lot of formal wear, and classic staple pieces. You can style them in any kind of style you like. All of these garments below are classics and staples, yet, they are also trendy and modern. The shops that are featured in this post: Gap Gap Factory Banana Republic Banana Republic Factory You can shop these plant-based looks by clicking the title of the garment above the photo. You can shop the look, and you can also just see some of what they have available in plant-based fabrics. Every apparel item is 95%-100% cotton. Underneath each look, I write a few sentences about why I like the piece and how to style it for workwear. WOMEN SHOP: Corduroy Mini Skirt 97% cotton 3% spandex by the Gap Factory Photo credit: Gap Factory This skirt is stylish. I love the color, and it is made in a cotton corduroy fabric. You can wear this with cotton tights in the winter. This is a great transitional look from day to tonight. SHOP: Shaker Stitch Boyfriend Cardigan 100% cotton by the Gap Photo credit: Gap 2. The Shaker Stitch Boyfriend Sweater is a luxurious piece. I love the drop shoulder, and the textured knit. I would love to wear this to work and wear it with a short skirt as the Gap Corduroy Mini Skirt featured in this post. SHOP: Herringbone Chambray Joggers with Washwell 100% cotton by the Gap Factory Photo credit: The Gap Factory 3. These herringbone chambray joggers can be dressed up with a nice boot or athleisure-style sneakers. I love the sheen of the fabric, it makes the fabric look dressy. These are lightweight, and to balance the look the joggers would look great with a cute cotton jersey blazer for workwear. SHOP: Sleeveless Button-Front Dress Light Wash 100% cotton by the Gap Factory Photo credit: Gap Factory 4. This sleeveless button-front dress is really cute. A turtleneck can be worn underneath the dress for the office. It has a youthful look, and I could see it being worn with a cardigan and cotton tights too, for the colder season coming up. SHOP: Cotton Polo T-Shirt 100% cotton by the Banana Republic Factory Photo credit: Banana Republic Factory 5. I love polo shirts, they are a really big trend. I have wanted to find a cute polo, and this one is a little dressy too. I love how it is tucked into the pants, it makes the look formal, yet casual, perfect as workwear. SHOP: Soft Cotton T-Shirt 100% cotton by the Banana Republic Factory Photo credit: Banana Republic Factory 6. This tank top is a perfect layering piece. You can see from the photo that the fabric is soft. I often like to wear jackets with sleeveless garments, because sometimes if I wear a jacket with a long sleeve the jacket won’t fit or the fabrics will stick together. Wearing a sleeveless garment is perfect to wear with a lightweight jack for the office. SHOP: Organic Cotton Top 100% cotton by the Banana Republic Factory Photo credit: Banana Republic Factory 7. I love the high neckline of this Banana Republic top. The silhouette is so stylish. A very sleek look. It is perfect to wear with pants or a skirt. This is a great popover shirt. The button placket is an interesting detail. MEN SHOP: Linen Shirt in Standard Fit 55% cotton 45% linen by the Gap Factory Photo credit: Gap Factory 1. I love this linen chambray Gap Factory shirt. I love the lighter wash. The texture and practicality of chambray shirts make it an of-the-moment and classic look. SHOP: Textured Sweater Polo 100% cotton by the Banana Republic Factory Photo credit: Banana Republic Factory 2. I think sweater knit polos are very trendy. This is a lightweight sweater polo. It is the sweater polo, made by Banana Republic Factory. It looks so comfortable to wear to work. SHOP: Rib Half-Zip Sweater 100% cotton by the Gap Photo credit: Gap 3. Gap’s rib half zip is a casual yet formal look. I love that is made with 100% cotton. I think it enhances a man's look. The design is innovative, and looks great with jeans, khakis, or other types of pants, like the ones styled in this photo. SHOP: Slim Pique Polo 100% cotton by the Banana Republic Factory Photo credit: Banana Republic Factory 4. Pique polos are great as a workwear clothing item. Pique fabric is a knitted weave that appears to be raised and has a pattern. Its texture is ergonomic. SHOP: Luxe Touch T-Shirt 100% cotton by the Banana Republic Factory Photo credit: Banana Republic Factory 5. The luxe touch t-shirt is luxurious to wear. I say a t-shirt can be very luxurious. The cut and neckline of this t-shirt are great fashion elements to wear. Pair it with a lightweight jacket for the office. SHOP: Straight Utility Pant 100% cotton by Banana Republic Factory Photo credit: 6. The utility pant, made with 100% cotton-- modern and fresh. I love the color and wash of these pants. I think the pant looks great the way it is styled in the photo, slightly rolled at the bottom hems of the pant. SHOP: Utility Shirt 100% cotton by Banana Republic Factory Photo credit: Banna Republic Factory 7. The utility shirt by the Banana Republic factory is a gentlemen-like style. Interesting pocket details, and it is made with a nice mid to heavyweight fabric. It is an elevated look. Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • Ready-to-Wear Designers in the September 2022 Show Design Collections With Plant-Based Fabrics

    New York Fashion Week September 9-14th In this post, I feature ten ready-to-wear brands that are designing and producing clothes made with innovative plant-based fabrics in their collections. They use innovative plant-based fabrics like rose stem, pina, raffia, aloe-treated linen, hemp, banana, and cotton in their collections. All the designers featured in this post are going to be showcasing their SS ‘23 collections at New York Fashion Week, also called the American Collections Show September 9th-14th 2022. If you cannot attend the event you can watch the show online via Livestream at the NYFW website. The American Collection Show includes international brands as well as brands from America. Many brands do not make a lot of clothing out of plant-based fabrics. Brands that produce clothing made with plant-based fabrics are supporting the circular fashion movement and the plastic-free movement. They also support the sustainable fashion movement and the healthy fashion movement because plant-based fabrics are healthy to wear. It was really nice to visit these brands' websites and see their inspiring collections. Many of them have a ‘Sustainability' and/or an ‘About’ tab that explains the materials that they use and the different sustainability practices that they have. In this post, I will share a photo representing their brand. This is a list of the designers/brands featured in this post: COS Studio 189 Collina Strada Adeam Gabriela Hearst Luar Tommy Hilfiger Eckhaus Latta Puma Melke Plant-based fashion movement Some designers create capsule collections within their collections, and these capsule collections include plant-based fabrics made with sustainability in mind. Other brands have a lot of pieces produced in plant-based fabrics. It is possible for every brand to produce a small or large amount of plant-based clothing. Producing clothes made with plants is a strength for these companies. The plant-based movement is the future of fashion, and a part of this plant-based movement is choosing to wear plant-based clothes because they are breathable, healthy, PH balanced, stimulate and improve the blood flow, hypoallergenic, ergonomic, and anti-stress because of the plant-human connection. 10 Plant-based looks I'll be showcasing a photo that represents their brand, and I list the 1–5 types of plant-based fabrics used in their collections. I am not listing ALL the plant-based materials they use. I am listing a few of the most innovative types of plant-based fabrics they use. Click the title above each photo to shop at the designer's website. I also have quoted the description of each company-- a quote is directly quoted from their website. 1 COS Photo credit: COS “Modern, functional, considered design for women, men and kids.” - COS Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Organic hemp Bananatex Refribra™ NAIA™ cellulosic acetate 2 Studio 189 Photo Credit: Studio 189 “STUDIO ONE EIGHTY NINE is a collective of creatives that seeks to provide a platform to help promote and curate African and African-inspired content through various projects such as media and cultural events and projects.” - Studio 189 Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Tencel Pina Recycled Cotton Raffia (dried grass) 3 Collina Strada Photo Credit: Collina Strada “Collina Strada is a platform for social issues and awareness by Hillary Taymour. Based and manufactured in New York, the brand is working toward becoming fully sustainable and radically transparent while offering fearlessly fluid and easy-to-wear clothes.” - Collina Strada Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Rose Sylk Recycled cotton 4 Adeam Photo credit: Adeam “Hanako Maeda is the Founder and Creative Director of ADEAM— a brand with an ‘East meets West’ aesthetic that fuses inspiration sourced from Hanako’s upbringing spent between Tokyo and New York City.“ - Adeam Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Biomass cotton linen Organic denim Recycled cotton 5 Gabriela Hearst Photo credit: Gabriela Hearst “Gabriela Hearst is a luxury women’s and men’s ready-to-wear and accessories collection, built on the principles of timelessness, uncompromising quality and sustainability.” - Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Aloe-treated linen Botanical-dyed knitwear Cotton 6 Luar Photo Credit: Luar “LUAR is the reversed namesake label of Brooklyn-based designer Raul Lopez, former co-founder of Hood By Air. Of Dominican descent, Lopez began to design at the age of 12 and growing up was inspired by the fluidity of the downtown New York scene.“ - Luar Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Organically grown cotton 7 Tommy Hilfiger Photo credit: Tommy Hilfiger “Founded in 1985, Tommy Hilfiger delivers premium styling, quality and value to consumers worldwide under the TOMMY HILFIGER and TOMMY JEANS labels” - Tommy Hilfiger Company Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Hemp Organic cotton Recycled denim 8 Eckhaus Latta Photo Credit: Eckhaus Latta “Mike Eckhaus and Zoe Latta are the founders of Eckhaus Latta, a New York and Los Angeles-based label that distinguishes itself from its peers with its gender-neutral designs and has built a reputation for casting models of all genders, ages, shapes and sizes in their runway shows and campaigns.” - Eckhaus Latta Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Cotton 9 Puma Photo credit: Puma “Sport is our world. This makes us passionate about designing, developing, selling and marketing footwear, apparel and accessories.” Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Footwear biotechnology using good bacteria to help the foot breathe Cotton certified by Sustainable Cotton Initiative Biodegradable fabric designed to fade 10 Melke Photo Credit: Melke “Emma is a New York based fashion designer focusing on designing and creating awareness around sustainability and ethical fashion” Plant-based materials they include in their collections: Organic hemp Organic cotton Hemp/cotton blend Visit the New York Fashion Week calendar to see when all of these designers will showcase their fall/winter 2022 collections at the September 9th through 12th New York Fashion Week event. I look forward to seeing their collections in September. Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • Shop Women’s and Men’s Brands at Nordstrom: Plant-based Fall 2022 Fashion Trends

    In this post, I have curated 10 premium pieces: five plant-based women’s pieces and five plant-based men’s pieces by contemporary designers and brands. The pieces I have found at Nordstrom's online store. What I love about Nordstrom's online store is that they have a filter where you can search for fashions by the type of material they are made out of. I can filter linen and cotton, and all garments that are 100% cotton, and 100% linen will appear in the search. These fall trends featured below are the key items for your wardrobe. As a fashion intuitive, I love these modern aesthetic pieces, both men’s and women’s. They are contemporary, very inspirational, high fashion, and investment pieces. These pieces are very transitional from summer to fall. As a part of self-care, it is good to shop for clothes. It is a positive ritual. These looks will enhance your appearance. I feature blues, pastels, pinks, and many neutral-colored garments. These silhouettes are very universal and inclusive, pieces everyone can wear. The pieces are a mix of formal and casual wear. Many of the pieces have ergonomic design elements, so they are very comfortable to wear. The ergonomic design elements make these pieces luxurious and give them an elevated look. Producing plant-based products is part of the circular fashion movement, nature-based solutions of producing and wearing plant-based fashion to help support human health and environmental health. Plant-based fashion is conscious fashion. Most of my wardrobe is made with cotton, linen, and plant-based materials. I do wear some polyester and some of my garments are cotton/polyester blends. Be aware of the fashion brands and designers featured in this post. They are producing plant-based apparel in their collections. The brands/designers from around the world: English Factory Treasure & Bond BB Dakota by Steve Madden Vince SKIMS Open Edit Burberry Bugatchi Sunspel Rodd & Gunn Shop the look: The title of the product is hyperlinked. Click on the title to shop the look at Nordstrom. Women's: One Button Cotton Blazer by English Factory 100% cotton Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 1 Cotton one-button mid-length blazers Mid-length blazers are stylish, especially with one button. This blazer has an effortlessly elegant look to it. They are practical and of the moment. Stripe Ribbed Cotton Sweater by Treasure & Bond 100% cotton Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 2 Cotton slouchy crew neck sweaters Slouchy crew neck sweaters are very comfortable to wear. Because of the knit weave, cotton knitwear is very breathable and comfortable to wear. This textured sweater is a must-have. Cotton Gauze Bomber Jacket by BB Dakota by Steve Madden 100% cotton Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 3 Cotton bomber jackets Cotton bomber jackets are trendy, and, because they are lightweight, they are the type of jacket that you can wear all day. Pastel colors are therapeutic to wear and look at. Long Sleeve Cotton Sweatshirt Dress by Vince 100%cotton Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 4 Cotton mock-neck sweater dress Sweater dresses are a good fall piece, and they look good with cotton leggings or cotton tights. The fabric has a rich material. Its silhouette shape is very chic. Logo Cotton Thermal Leggings by SKIMS 96% cotton, 4% elastane Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 5 Cotton thermal leggings Leggings are one of my favorite kinds of bottoms. Sometimes leggings are too thin for the fall or winter season, so these thermal leggings are great because they keep you warm. Men's: Men's Open Front Cotton Cardigan by Open Edit 100% cotton Photo: Courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 1 Cotton open cardigans I love men’s open cardigans. They are very stylish and dressy. I like the mid-dark hue of this sweater. They are good to wear with loungewear pieces. I think they give men a natural elegance. The Kensington Mid Cotton Gabardine Trench Coat by Burberry 100% cotton Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 2 Cotton trench coats Men’s trench coats are perfect for fall. I love the black color of Burberry’s cotton trench coat. I love beige-colored trench coats too. You can pair this trench coat with either pair of pants that I have featured in this post. A trendy look is weaning the trench with the skinny jogger, and for a more formal look, you can pair t with the linen camel-colored slouchy pants. Comfort Drawstring Cotton Pants by Bugatchi 96%cotton 4%polypropelene Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 3 cotton skinny sweatpants I think skinny sweatpants-- slim joggers have a stylish look, and they look comfortable to wear. Bugatchi has shirts in this light blue color, sets are very trendy and look great. Drawstring Cotton & Linen Pants by Sunspel 76% cotton 24% linen Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 4 Slim and slouchy pants Cotton/linen blend pants that are kind of slim yet slouchy are a modern look. These pants look a little dressy, and with the drawstring waistband, they look comfortable too. Men's Aniseed Hill Sportcoat by Rodd & Gunn 100% cotton jersey knit Photo courtesy of Nordstrom TREND 5 Jersey knit blazers I love the jersey-knit stretch blazers and sports coats. This trend will be long-term as people want to dress up for their career or for the occasion but want to be comfortable too. The cotton lining gives the sport coat structure. Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • 14 Modern Plant-based Fashion Fabric Alternatives: Types of Fabrics and Where to Find Them

    In this post, I have included 14 modern plant-based fashion fabric alternatives: the fabric types and where to find them. Many fabric types in fashion/textile manufacturing are made of synthetic materials. Most velour, satin, sweatshirt, and fleece fabrics are made from polyester. So, I have researched all of these 14 substitute fabrics that are made with 95–100% plant-based fibers and not made from synthetic fibers. The fabrics I picked are just a small sample of what all of these fabric stores carry. The fabric stores listed have many plant-based fabrics to choose from. I chose to show in this post trendy yet timeless fabrics from each fabric store's collection like velour, lace, terry, sateen, and sweatshirt fabric made from plants like cotton, ramie, linen, hemp, and banana. All of these fabric types are important to add to your wardrobe because they make you both feel and look good. I have picked a few fabric stores and a couple of plant-based fabrics that they carry, to show that it is possible to find alternative plant-based fabric types. These fabrics are timeless yet they are also trendy and modern. All of the fabrics are great to use for your personal wardrobe and/or for the production of your brand/fashion company. Many of these fabric store businesses are both wholesale and retail. I have organized the 14 fabrics into three categories: lightweight, midweight, and heavyweight. I have also added categories for whether they are woven fabric or knit fabric. This is a list of the fabric stores featured in this post: Anita Pavani Stoffe Mood Fabrics Farmhouse Fabrics Samatoa Lotus Flower Kendor Textiles Hemp Traders Bolt Fabric Boutique Boweevil Nature’s Fabrics Eco Fashion Fabrics When choosing fabric, I am always thinking about why I would choose to wear the specific fabric. Reasons to choose plant-based fabric alternatives over synthetic fabrics: tactile-friendly breathable attractive to look at supports the environment comfortable to wear and to look at wearable and healthy plant/human connection + more 14 Modern Plant-based Fashion Fabric Alternatives Click on the title to shop the fabric at the fabric store's website. Lightweight Fabrics Jersey Knit 1. Lightweight brushed sweatshirt hemp/cotton from Anita Pavani Stoffe Photo: Anita Pavani Stoffe Woven 2. Semi-sheer lightweight ramie from Mood Fabrics Photo: Mood Fabrics 3. Cotton floral lace trim from Farmhouse Fabrics Photo: Farmhouse Fabrics 4. Banana 'sylk' from Samatoa Lotus Flower Photo: Samatoa Lotus Flower Midweight Fabrics Jersey Knit 5. Tencel TM lyocell organic cotton jersey knit from Kendor Textiles Photo: Kendor Textiles 6. Rib knit hemp/cotton from Hemp Traders Photo: Hemp Traders Woven 7. Linen chambray from Bolt Fabric Boutique Photo: Bolt Fabric Boutique 8. Twill organic cotton from Boweevil Photo: Boweevil 9. Waffle terry cotton from Boweevil Photo: Boweevil 10. Sateen cotton from Organic Cotton Plus Photo: Organic Cotton Plus Heavyweight Fabrics Jersey Knit 11. Fleece hemp/cotton from Hemp Traders Photo: Hemp Traders 12. Denim stretch from Bolt Fabric Boutique Photo: Bolt Fabric Boutique Woven 13. Cotton sherpa from Nature’s Fabrics Photo: Nature's Fabrics 14. Corduroy cotton from Eco Fashion Fabrics Photo: Eco Fashion Fabrics If you want more fabric store resources– under my free resources page, I include 41 fabric stores to get to know. Download the free resource document here: 41 FABRIC STORES Modern Apparel Fabric Stores + Textile Companies (Wholesale + Retail) There are plenty of fashion businesses out there that are producing collections made with plant-based fabrics. Yet, there are still not as many plant-based fabric options. There are so many elements that make fashion healthy—and choosing plant-based fabrics is one of them. But, for example, if we want to wear velvet—and most velvet is made of synthetic fibers—it is difficult for textile and fashion companies to choose a plant-based velvet because it is minimally produced. The fashion industry is in transition and will be producing more plant-based textiles in the future. In my new book, Healthy Fashion, I talk about 36 specific plants used and produced in fashion fabrics. These fabrics will become more and more popular as we transition from mainstream fashion to eco-fashion and healthy fashion. You can preview my book on Amazon—and click the image of the book, and you will see the table of contents of the book and a sample chapter here: "Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths" Stay tuned for more plant-based alternatives. Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • Walmart’s Elevated Brand Free Assembly– Collection Is Predominantly Plant-Based

    In this post I share with you Why do I support mass fashion vs. fast fashion? Why is plant-based fashion healthy? I took photographs of the Free Assembly cotton line I found at Walmart at their Chula Vista, CA location. I also found 8 looks in their online shop. I have hyperlinked the four shoppable women’s looks and four shoppable men’s looks from Walmart’s online site that are perfect to shop for now. Brandon Maxwell, Creative Director of Free Assembly, is supporting low fashion and making low fashion more high fashion. "Mix, layer, and assemble freely" 90% of all apparel is made of synthetic fabrics. So, it was great to find that Walmart has partnered with Brandon Maxwell (since March 2021) and they are creating a predominantly cotton line. He is an American fashion designer, and the Creative Director for Walmart’s men’s, women's, and kid’s fashion lines, Free Assembly and Scoop. He has created a collection of most of the apparel pieces made from cotton. Producing plant-based apparel is one of the most important steps to creating a healthier fashion industry for human health and environmental health. It is very important that we wear more plant-based clothing, at least for most of our undergarments and first-layer pieces. Why is it healthy to wear plant-based apparel? They support oxygen levels. They stimulate and improve blood flow and circulation. They are chemical composition-balanced. They are ergonomic. They are hypoallergenic and hygienic. They are anti-stress—the plant/human connection reduces stress. I shopped at Walmart I went to Walmart this week to walk around before Best Buy opened, and I walked through the women’s clothing department. I usually get depressed when I look around and realize I'm going to see 90% synthetic clothing. It surprised me and I was happy when I kept looking at the labels and saw 99% cotton, #95% cotton, 100% cotton, 80% cotton, etc. I saw a whole section of their label, Free Assembly, cotton apparel—at least 20 pieces. (They sell dozens, if not hundreds, of cotton pieces online.) The collection was made up of all cotton; 90–100% cotton pieces, and a few synthetic pieces. This is the first time I have seen Walmart produce a collection with so much cotton fabric. When You Support Walmart-- Many Walmart shoppers are Surviving because of Walmart Many people will immediately dislike the idea of supporting Walmart because it is fast fashion, but I own a few apparel items from Walmart. I looked everywhere for budget-friendly 100% cotton undergarments, for example, and they have them. I support all mass, contemporary, ready-to-wear, and couture fashion markets. Every market has to improve collectively. Many people dislike mass-market fashion, yet there are 7 billion people living on Earth, so mass-market fashion will never go away. We can not shop there, or we can purchase and buy the things that are helping sustainability and healthy fashion. They are making the demand for plant-based apparel with their Free Assembly brand. I understand if you dislike fast fashion; I do not like it either, but there is a difference between mass fashion and fast fashion. We have to support the good things some of these mass-produced companies are doing because they will never go away. They are also, like all fashion companies, trying to be more sustainable, more ethical, slower, etc. People who are on a budget may not afford contemporary fashion. That is why most people buy mass-market fashion. So, I support the good things companies are doing, and I support mass-market fashion because most of the population wears mass-market fashion. One thing that I noticed about the Free Assembly collection is the quality of the garments, which are made to last. I support Walmart fashion because people of all budgets should be able to dress well too. Modern, stylish design Mass market fashion will never go away. Now that Walmart, a retailer that produces clothing, is selling a predominantly plant-based collection from their line, Free Assembly, they are modern and "designed with staying power"; "eco-friendly denim washes and the manufacturing process." Free Assembly is also providing a wide selection of items made from sustainable materials, such as organic cotton and fair trade certified denim. All prices are under $50. I love their cuts, and the minimal designs make them very comfortable. Fashion for health is all about plant-based fashion. I have been going to local shops, and I find very little plant-based clothing. It was great to see Walmart sell an entire collection with almost all cotton! I took photos below of specific pieces and the retail signs. The pieces are very stylish and modern and are the clothing that I would wear. It is a challenge to shop for cotton pieces, especially when you are on a budget. Each piece is under $50. The Creative Director of Free Assembly Brandon Maxwell, is the Creative Director for Free Assembly and Scoop, Walmart’s select elevated fashion brands. He is an American CFDA award-winning fashion designer. "Everyone should have access to something that feels good." - Brandon Maxwell Brandon began collaborating with Walmart in March 2021. In a Walmart article, Brandon states: "Working with Walmart has long been a dream of mine." Like many people across the country who live in small towns, Walmart was the destination for everything where I grew up in Texas, including clothing." "This partnership allows me to bring the experience and joy of fashion to countless people who live in small towns across the country." Everyone deserves to have access to well-designed clothing at an accessible price point. I am inspired by this collaboration with Walmart, as it is not only an opportunity to make exceptional design accessible to all, but with our charitable initiatives, we will work to help people improve their lives. After all, the most fashionable thing we can do." - Brandon Maxwell Free Assembly is budget-friendly, stylish, accessible fashion for all budgets. I am really glad Brandon Maxwell is the designer for Free Assembly and Scoop, and you can see his favorite pieces of his collection here. Brandon Maxwell, Creative Director of Free Assembly is supporting low fashion and making low fashion more high fashion. I took a few photographs of their fall 2022 collection: A few more photographs I took of Free Assembly's collection at the Chula Vista, CA Walmart Below are the four shoppable women’s looks and four shoppable men’s looks from Walmart’s online site that are perfect to shop for now–I have hyperlinked the titles that link to the Walmart online store. Each piece is made from either cotton, organic cotton, or tencel. Fabrics are all cotton terry, chambray, poplin, sheen-like fabrics, and nice lightweight ergonmic fabrics. All product details of the garments listed are from the Walmart website and quoted. SHOP WOMEN'S LOOKS LOOK 1 Free Assembly Women’s Tie Neck Blouson Dress With Short Sleeves Photo Courtesy of Walmart “Material: Tigerlily and Lilac Sachet Floral 100% Organic Cotton Micro Twill; Deep Ultramarine and Lilac Sachet Stripe 100% Cotton Poplin; Medium Indigo in 100% Organic Cotton Chambray Care: Machine washable Country of Origin: Imported Size: Model is wearing a size S Fit: Relaxed Length: Mini dress; approx. 33” long from center back neck for size S Closure: Pullover style Sleeves: Short balloon sleeves with elasticized openings Pockets: Two side pockets Features: Elasticized crewneck with self-tie detail Women’s Blouson Dress from Free Assembly” LOOK 2 Free Assembly Women's Flutter Sleeve Waisted Top Photo Courtesy of Walmart “Material: 99% Organic Cotton/1% Spandex Care: Machine washable Country of Origin: Imported Size: Model is wearing a size XL Fit: Relaxed Neckline: High neck Closure: Button front Sleeves: Short flutter sleeves with gusset Pockets: None Features: Cinched peplum elastic waist Flutter Sleeve Waisted Top for Women from Free Assembly” LOOK 3 Free Assembly Women's Polo Dress with Short Raglan Sleeves Photo Courtesy of Walmart "Material: 100% Cotton Care: Machine washable Country of Origin: Imported Size: Model is wearing a size S Fit: Relaxed Length: Approx. 35.5” long from center back neck for size S Closure: Pullover style Sleeves: Short raglan sleeves Pockets: None Features: V-neckline with polo collar; side slits; textured fabric Women’s Polo Dress from Free Assembly" LOOK 4 Free Assembly Women’s Sleeveless Cotton Romper Photo Courtesy of Walmart "Material: 100% Cotton Care: Machine washable Country of Origin: Imported Size: Model is wearing a size XL Fit: Relaxed Inseam: Approx. 2-3/4” Neckline: Square neckline Closure: Pull-on styling Sleeves: Sleeveless Pockets: Two front patch pockets Features: Elasticized waistline with drawstring tie; textured fabric Women’s Sleeveless Cotton Romper from Free Assembly" SHOP MEN'S LOOKS LOOK 1 Free Assembly Men's Chambray Indigo Shirt Photo Courtesy of Walmart "Material: 100% Cotton Care: Machine washable Country of Origin: Imported Size: Model is wearing a size M Fit: Relaxed Collar: Button-down collar Closure: Front button closure Sleeves: Long sleeves with button cuffs Pockets: 2 button chest pockets hold essentials Features: Woven body; chambray detail Men’s Chambray Indigo Shirt from Free Assembly" LOOK 2 Free Assembly Men's Cotton Tencel Vacation Shorts Photo Courtesy of Walmart "Material: 55% Organic Cotton/45% Tencel Care: Machine washable Country of Origin: Imported Size: Model is wearing a size M Fit: Relaxed Inseam: 9” inseam Closure: Button closure with zip fly; elasticized waist for added comfort; inner drawstring Pockets: 2 front pockets and 2 back pockets to hold essentials Features: Peach twill body; solid tone Men’s Shorts from Free Assembly" LOOK 3 Free Assembly Men's Cotton Poplin Camp Shirt with Mesh Pocket Photo Courtesy of Walmart "Material: 100% Organic Cotton Care: Machine washable Country of Origin: Imported Size: Model is wearing a size M Fit: Relaxed Collar: Point Closure: Front snap button closure Sleeves: Short Pockets: Snap button flap chest pockets; mesh trim at left pocket Features: Woven body; solid tone Men’s Poplin Camp Shirt from Free Assembly" LOOK 4 Free Assembly Men's Lightweight Zip Jacket Photo Courtesy of Walmart "Material: 81% Organic Cotton/19% Nylon; Lining: 100% Cotton Care: Machine washable Country of Origin: Imported Size: Model is wearing size M Fit: Standard fit Weight: Lightweight Collar: Point collar Closure: Zip-front closure Sleeves: Long sleeves Pockets: Two front pockets and one left chest zipper pocket Features: Lined Men's Zip-Front Jacket from Free Assembly" Stay tuned for more plant-based apparel collections and brands and 'shoppable looks' posts! Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • 2 Cosmetic Apparel Fabric Brands and 2 Plant-based Activewear Apparel Brands To Know

    In this post, I will first talk about two cosmetic fabrics that help heal the body. These fabrics are patented fabrics and they have proven to therapeutically help the body. In the second part of the blog post, I mention two plant-based activewear apparel brands. I have put these fabrics and brands in this article together because I feel activewear is partly cosmetic and therapeutic when producing activewear made with plants. Some of the fabrics produced by these companies are not 100% synthetic free, most-- three of the companies are 90-100% plant-based. One fabric company I mention produces a fabric made predominantly with spandex. However, this healing aid fabric modality he has created is so important. Not all fabrics have to be 100% synthetic-free at this point to help heal the body. I support all of these brands and companies creating these products and fabrics. They are an example of what healthy fashion is. Fashion as alternative medicine. Several of the statements listed in the description below are quotes and are specific statements that I have found on the company's websites. 1 FIR / Magnet Therapeutic Fabric + Products by Green Grace Photo courtesy of Green Grace USA I was recently using magnets and placing them on my body to heal, and they work! I searched on Youtube to learn more about the properties of magnet therapy and found out about Green Grace USA-- their Infrared Magnet fabric and their apparel healing modality products. Magnet and infrared textiles are definitely the future of fashion. The owner of Green Grace was interviewed at the IDTechEx Show “Green Grace's owner talks about their magnetic fabric, used to promote healing at a cellular level. They have FDA registration and tens of thousands of users in the USA.” Watch their video: Cosmetic fabric: Far Infrared/Magnetic healing fabric // Magnetic Infrared Wearable Clothing Name of company: Green Grace USA Location: Online/Arcadia, CA Name of founder: Dennis Yang About the company: “Green Grace USA has been helping people to heal and improve their lifestyle through Far Infrared Products over the last 6 years.” “Green Grace USA is a vertical operation that has its own bio-ceramic, far infrared technology know-how and manufacturing. Green Grace Far Infrared wearable clothing and accessories are a combination of Western and Eastern Preventive Medical Science” About the fabric: Made with spandex and bio-ceramic materials. The bio-ceramic can emit far infrared rays and magnetic energy which can penetrate into the skin up to 1.5 inches. Infrared ei healing electromagnetic waves. Photo courtesy of Green Grace USA Products they carry: Far infrared yoga pants, far infrared mask, far infrared gloves, FIR compression binder, FIR head ear cover, far infrared ankle socks, infrared leg warmers + more Fabric Properties: “Wear sunlight without ultraviolet” “Help sleeping quality Reduce body weight Reduce chronic pain FIR heating improves circulation Loosens muscle Relaxes the mind and body” “FIR products improve circulation, expels dirt and chemicals, and remove dead cells on the surface of the skin, leading to a more soft and firm complexion.” 2 Pyratex® Seaweed-based Fabric Photo courtesy of Pyratex® The next cosmetic fabric that I love is Pyratex®. They have produced a fabric made with seaweed fiber and wood pulp mixed. I love the idea of using seaweed in fabric. Seaweed is currently being used in cosmetic, beauty, and spa products. Seaweed made into textiles is definitely the future of fashion. I love visiting the ocean. I love seaweed and its health properties. I think wearing parts of the elements of the ocean gives us that ocean/human connection too. Cosmetic fabric: Pyratex® Name of company: Pyratex® Location: Online + their factories are in Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Mexico. Name of founder: Regina Polanco About the company: “PYRATEX® was born in 2014 with the mission to replace synthetic textiles with natural and more responsible options. Our sustainable fabrics are engineered to retain the fiber's natural properties, bringing functional qualities to the final garments.” “PYRATEX® is a vessel of change for fashion creators wishing to advance in textile innovation and responsibility.” Photo courtesy of Pyratex® About the fabric: Ground seaweed fiber is added to their eucalyptus wood pulp. “Cellulose Bio-based Regenerative Skincare properties Anti-irritation Quick-dry” Fabric Properties: “PYRATEX® cosmetic fabrics are made with seaweed-based fiber. It has an anti oxidative capacity which eliminates free radicals while caring for the wearer's skin. The seaweed comes from the Northern Atlantic, and has anti oxidant properties certified by European laboratories.” “Seaweed is pure and rich in essential substances such as vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and minerals. The skin’s natural moisture level enables an active exchange of these substances, activating cell regeneration, which in turn can help relieve skin diseases, reduce inflammation and soothe itchiness.” 3 Reprise plant-based activewear brand Photo courtesy of Reprise This next brand, Reprise, I will be speaking about uses a great fabric called Tencel™ jersey knit fabric. Tencel™ is an important fabric for the future of the activewear apparel market. It has great properties and it is comfortable to wear. I owned a Tencel™ jersey knit novelty top, and it never pilled, and it looked brand new for so long. Also, it was so comfortable to wear. Plant-based activewear is definitely the future of activewear apparel. Reprise does use 7% spandex in their apparel– yet their goal is to use plant-based spandex in the future, and they have found a few that they like. I personally own a lot of leggings with 5-10% synthetic spandex. l think that the product is healthy to wear. Plant-based activewear brand Name of company: Reprise Name of founder: Mary Bemis Location: Online/ NYC About the company: “Our mission is to keep plastic off your body.” “We're one of the only brands making leggings without plastic bottles.” "We liberate your closet from plastic to save your skin. By designing sustainable leggings and athleisure made with plant-based materials, we create a softer, healthier, more comfortable way for you to care for your skin.” Photo courtesy of Reprise About the products: Women’s activewear leggings, sports bras, shorts, scrunchies + more About the fabric: They use GOTS dyed jersey knit Tencel™, dyed and knit in LA “To be the best versions of ourselves, we have to surround our mind and body with the best materials — ones that allow us to breathe, think, and move freely the way our plant-based sustainable activewear does.” Fabric Properties: All plant-based fibers support oxygen levels Stimulates and improves blood flow and circulation Chemical composition-balanced Ergonomic Hypoallergenic/hygienic Anti-stress—the plant/human connection reduces stress 4 Carrot Banana Peach plant-based activewear brand Photo Courtesy of Carrot Banana Peach This next activewear brand Carrot Banana Peach uses a variety of plant-based fabrics, and many of them have unique therapeutic properties. I love bamboo fabrics particularly. I had a pair of bamboo thermal leggings that I wore until they were unable to be worn. Bamboo fabric is very therapeutic for the skin! I also love the aloe vera fabric. I think aloe vera fabric is going to be a large trend in the future. Plant-based activewear is definitely the future of activewear apparel. Plant-based activewear brand Name of company: Carrot Banana Peach Location: Online/Chesire, UK Name of founder: Nigel Thomas Gartside About the company: “Plant-based activewear. Stretch, breathe and perform in yoga clothes, fitness clothing and running wear made from plant based fibres. Our ethically made clothes are made from the extracted fibres of bamboo, soybean, aloe vera and organic cotton” Additionally – Gartside’s family was originally the cotton pioneers of the textile industry. Name of fabric: Organic cotton, bamboo, banana, soybean, and aloe vera. All their fabrics have performance properties and health benefits, and ergonomic design properties. Photo courtesy of Carrot Banana Peach About the products: They sell women's and men's apparel and accessories for yoga, running, and fitness They also carry luxury bags, one specifically made of an innovative washable paper! Fabric Properties: All plant-based fibers support oxygen levels Stimulates and improves blood flow and circulation Chemical composition-balanced Ergonomic Hypoallergenic/hygienic Anti-stress—the plant/human connection reduces stress Final Note I hope you have enjoyed learning more about these healthy fashion industry companies. Fashion fabrics made from bio-ceramic magnets, seaweed, and plants are some of the most medicinal types of materials we can wear. Cosmetic, 'wearable' fabrics, and plant-based activewear brands are two of the most important fashion-for-wellness trends currently and for the future. Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • Guest Post: 4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Sustainable and Ethical Fashion

    Guest Post by Vishal Porwal Who does not want to dress up well, wherever you go, and the first thing anybody sees and comments on is the way you dress up. The famous quote “your first impression is your last” is somewhere partially said and framed on the basis of your looks. There are many brands in the market that can make you look handsome or beautiful. Well, the fashion industry seems all glamorous, but the reality behind it is equally horrifying. Are the customers, in general, aware of the destruction your favourite brand might be causing to the environment? When we talk about the fashion industry, which is toxic to our ecosystem, it includes fast/cheap fashion, which comes and goes with the trend, and that is why they are made so cheap so that people can afford them. Being cheap means the quality will be low because they are made of cheap materials like polyester, rayon, etc., which are not good for the environment. Fast fashion cloth materials are the ones that do not decompose easily, and burning extreme causes level of carbon emission. In addition, there are multiple other types of environmental hazards that fashion cause. While reading all these, you might be thinking what the alternatives that can least stop the increasing toxicity in the environment are. Then the answer to it is to be an aware customer/buyer; if you are paying for something you know is toxic, you are equally responsible for the causes too. You probably might have heard about sustainable fashion; it has multiple sister movements, like ethical fashion. Although if you want to study the things the fashion industry is doing in more depth, you should dig deep and research that topic. In this article, we will be talking about why people should choose sustainable and ethical fashion and how it is better and what good they do to our ecosystem. What is sustainable and ethical fashion? Before reading why you should choose sustainable and ethical fashion, you should know what sustainable and ethical fashion means. So, in brief, sustainable and ethical fashion both are eco-friendly approaches to fashion. It includes everything from sourcing to manufacturing in an eco-friendly manner. The goal is to cause zero to no impact on the environment. There are many other factors included in an ethical fashion which you will read in the further sections of this article. Reasons to choose sustainable and ethical fashion Here, under this section, we will be listing reasons why you should choose sustainable and ethical fashion, and you will understand why they should be popular as per the growing environmental concern. Low carbon footprint Annually the fashion industry causes 10 percent of the total annual carbon footprint, which is quite a high number if you know how much it affects the surrounding. This high carbon footprint is a major reason for all the global warming and sudden climate change. You might know that the fashion industry produces all their product from fossil fuels, and clothing materials like acrylic, polyester, nylon, etc., require high energy and also, and they do not decompose easily, which make them toxic and harmful to the environment. On the other hand, if you look at the sustainable fashion industry, then you will see that they do not use these cheap materials in their production. Which makes them biodegradable; the products do not require much energy as they are made up of organic fabrics, for example, hemp, linen, organic cotton, etc. sustainable fashion does not use any chemical treatment under their production; they require less water and do not consume greater energy. Better working condition Do you think it is okay not giving an accurate wage to the workers who are putting their hard work and life into the production of clothes that you are wearing? Well, it is not right because, firstly, it is against labour rights, plus it is ethically wrong. Under non-ethical working conditions, everything from endless working hours and minimum wages to workers, and toxic work conditions, all these things take place. It all does sound like slavery, and indeed it is; in some places, even physical and verbal abuse is very common in conditions like these. You can find working conditions as such inside most of the fast fashion manufacturing companies. Whereas on the other hand, sustainable and ethical fashion brands oppose all these conditions. Ethical fashion brands offer good working conditions and accurate wages as per their work and hard work; they also provide good health care facilities. A good work atmosphere encourages the employee to work better too. Do not encourage any animal cruelty Do you also have anything in your wardrobe which is made up of authentic leather? Well, do not be proud of yourself as someone lost their life for your life. Yes, you are not the one who killed any innocent animal, but you are equally blamed because you promoted such cruelty by buying those products. If you thought the fashion industry was using the by-product of the meat industry, then they’ve been lying to you. If you look at the statics, it shows the numbers over 430 million animals were killed for the sake of our fashion, which is not cool at all. Sustainable vegan leather is not made up of polyester or any other harmful material that is biodegradable and can harm animals. Instead, they use new innovations like bio-fabricate vegan wool for the clothes and leather-like materials; there are vegan leather bags made from plants and their by-products, so in case you are feeling tempted to buy leather bags, there is a more eco-friendly option available. These methods are cruelty-free and eco-friendly. Reduces landfills and other pollution Fast fashion clothing means every changing trend, and trends depend on how fast the brands launch their new collection. Earlier there used to be only four seasons, then it became six as per the clothing/fashion industry. Now there are more than 21 micro seasons; the actual problem is the buyers/customers are glamour bound. People see what their favourite influencer is doing, and they do so. As per result the number of clothes which get manufactured in a large amount-- and when the season changes and then no one is using them they either get dumped causing landfills and others get burned and cause carbon emission which is responsible for global warming and other climatic changes. Looking for a solution, you should switch to sustainable clothing because firstly, they are not made up of materials that cause harm to the environment; being sustainable, they sustain for a long time. Choosing sustainable clothing reduces overproduction which saves a lot of rescues, water, manpower, etc., which saves a lot of money and resources for sustainable brands and also lowers the stress on the environment. In a nutshell: We all feel good when we dress up good, but it should not be at the cost of environmental destruction or animal killing; that is why we need to understand what we are buying because the consequences could be fatal for all of us. Hence sustainable and ethical fashion is one of the alternatives through which we can reduce such activities and their effects. Hence we hope the above article might have generated some awareness. Guest Author Bio I am Vishal Porwal, living in the city of Oakland, United States, While spreading awareness of how fashion and the ecosystem can go hand-to-hand. In the hunt for the latest green living news, tips, and stories, I am more than pleased to share my opinion all around the globe with readers. For more information, you can visit my site Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • My book Healthy Fashion is featured in Kindred Spirit Magazine!

    In this new blog post I include: How my book was featured in a 3-page article in Kindred Spirit magazine– UK’s leading and renowned mind, body, spirit magazine. How John Hunt Publishing was recently acquired by Watkins Media. My book extract is featured in Kindred Spirit magazine issue 180– featuring the book chapter “The Power of Plant-Tech Fashion.” What is plant-tech fashion? The mission of the Healthy Fashion Campaign. My book Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths is featured in Kindred Spirit Magazine, the UK’s top mind/body/spirit magazine. I am very thankful to have my book featured in Kindred Spirit magazine, and I have always been inspired by the magazine. It is great to be able to be a part of it. As a fashion ‘psychic’ and a planetary energy healer, I love all topics that they talk about. I have studied metaphysics for a long time now, and I have been on the path of spiritual development since I started living and working previously in ashrams and monasteries, practicing yoga and meditation. Kindred Spirit Magzine features: "ground-breaking stories – years before such news hits the mainstream publications.” - Kindred Spirit Magazine The featured article is a 3-page feature of a book extract from the chapter ‘The Power of Plant-tech." The Spring Issue Cover Healthy Fashion is one of the featured stories in Kindred Spirit magazine Issue 180. The feature highlights one of my chapters from Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths, about the future of plant-based fabrics, which I call ‘plant-tech’ fashion. The cover page is beautiful and one of the cover lines says “ Invite in Fresh Energy and Natural Magic this Ostara” I love this cover line, and I believe healthy fashion is all about fresh energy and natural magic! Fashion is truly magical, and modern fresh fashion is magical fashion. On the cover of the magazine, one of the cover lines states “Exploring the Future of Sustainable Fashion,” which is in reference to my book extract feature. The owner of Watkins Media-- Etan Ilfeld Acquires John Hunt Publishing Etan Ilfeld owner of Watkins Media Acquires John Hunt Publishing I will credit the new parent company of John Hunt Publishing– Watkins Media for giving me the opportunity to be featured in their magazine Kindred Spirit. I hope the article will inspire all fashion consumers and fashion professionals. I am happy to have had this opportunity. The owner of Watkins Media and Kindred Spirit Magazine Etan Illfeld recently acquired John Hunt Publishing. It is sad that John Hunt has given the company up, but he wanted to retire. He gave his company to another leader in the field of health and spirituality. “On October 23, 2021, Repeater Books announced that they had bought the Zero Books imprint from John Hunt Publishing. Then, two days later on October 25, 2021, it was announced that Watkins Books owner Etan Ifeld had purchased John Hunt Publishing from John Hunt.” "Etan Ilfeld is the owner of John Hunt Publishing. He is a London-based entrepreneur and the founder of Tenderbooks, Repeater Books, and the owner and managing director of Watkins Books, Watkins Media, and the Mind Sports Olympiad” I was happy to have my book extract featured in their spring issue because they could have picked hundreds to thousands of other books from John Hunt Publishing, and they chose to feature my book! “Kindred Spirit is the UK's leading guide to Mind, Body and Spirit and was founded in 1987 by Richard Beaumont and Patricia Yates, following the inspiration of 'The Harmonic Convergence' in which thousands of spiritual seekers gathered at sacred sites throughout the world.” Check out the Kindred Spirit Spiring Issue 180 featuring my article here: The Feature The book extract feature: The magazine features part of my chapter called The Power of Plant-tech Fashion. They state: “Designer Alyssa Couture looks to plants to consider the future of sustainable fashion” If you did not know, I launched a small fashion brand in 2015– and produced several handmade fashion sample collections. They were presented in many fashion shows, were chosen to be entered in Saks 5th avenue talent search competition, and sold in local shops and e-shops. All the product was plant-based and modern fashion apparel. You can visit my old Instagram account (no longer active) here to see the designs I had produced from scratch. I did all the pattern-making, designed and sewn all the fashion pieces. One of my favorite quotes from the book was highlighted in the featured article: “Wearing plants is a concentrated health practice that leads to the modernisation of humanity” A few important parts of the book extract that were illustrated in the magazine feature: Top plant-based fabrics currently accessible for the mass-market The human/plant connection Plant-based fabric diversity The need for textile development Book published by Ayni Books-- an Imprint of John Hunt Publishing Video of Plant-tech Fashion: book extract from Healthy Fashion Feature What is Plant-Tech fashion? This is the intro paragraph that is included in the book extract feature which describes what plant-tech fashion is. “'Plant tech’ is a fashion term I developed. Plant-tech is defined as advanced plant-based fabric and dye technology, and the production of these plant-based fabrics to advance human health for planetary evolution. Plant-tech merges nature with technology. It is solely dedicated to the optimal development of fashion products made 100% from plants and minerals.” The extract also includes why plant-tech is optimal “The plant-tech solution is founded on the textile development of alternative, choice fabrics produced and used for their health benefits, ergonomic function, superior performance and long lifespan.” Fabrics currently accessible for the mass market: Cotton Hemp Linen Ramie Nettle Bamboo (Natural/Lyocell) Kapok Abaca Lyocell In Healthy Fashion, I have a created a chapter called 'The 36 Plant-based Fashion Fabrics For the Present and Future.' Each textile/plant fiber is described and I explain whether the fabrics were used in the past, are currently moderately or mass-produced, or are being tested and experimented for future minor/mass/moderate production. The 36 fabrics I chose are important fabrics that help support both humans and the environment. Healthy plant-tech fashion is fashion for the modern lifestyle. Buy my new book Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths Check out the preview of the book on Amazon here: I am very happy to be featured in Kindred Spirit magazine and also be recently featured on 50+ podcasts, magazines, and companies in regards to my book. My mission is about claiming the existence of fashion to be experienced with a deeper purpose– fashion as an alternative medicine for mind, body, and spirit. The sole motive of my book Healthy Fashion, and my company: Healthy Fashion Campaign is to bring fashion into its course as a therapeutic, healing tool. Fashion and apparel are used for consciousness and enlightenment. It feels great to see my own fashion story be shared, and that so many thousands of people are interested in fashion for health and wellness! Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS


    Guest Post by Ignacio Alejandro Maya -Corozo buttons are a high-quality, durable and earth-friendly alternative for your garments- Sustainability is not just a trend, but a necessary step. Consumers are increasingly aware of what they wear, eat, drink, use and who they get it from, so companies are re-evaluating their value chains, materials they use, traceability, production standards and ethics behind each product and service. How do we make the fashion and clothing industry more respectful of society and the environment? It may seem like change took time, but surely it is through consistent and systematic actions that it is happening. Photo courtesy of Trafino Most companies tend to stick with standard polyester (plastic) buttons that come from fossil fuels, which are a bit cheaper but have a negative impact on the environment. Even the so-called recycled polyester buttons use a high percentage of virgin material, require considerable amounts of energy and create a lot of negative waste. While the impact of a small button may not seem significant, large quantities produce obvious environmental effects. Corozo, or tagua buttons as we know them in Ecuador, are made from a nut that grows wild in Ecuador's tropical forests. When tender, the nut is liquid and can be drunk by humans. It is very similar to ivory; thus, it is also called vegetable ivory. Grows on palm trees and, when mature, falls to the ground to be sustainably collected by thousands of rural community members as a means of subsistence. These people become the best guardians of the forest that offers them an income. Nuts then pass into the hands of hundreds of artisans to be skilfully transformed into blanks, one by one, pure tradition. With 33 years of experience, TRAFINO S.A. is the world's leading company in the export of corozo blanks. TRAFINO acquires the blanks of different sizes from more than 500 artisans - a large part being women -, performs quality controls and exports to button makers in more than 20 countries, who give the finish -design- to the product and sell to fashion brands. As a matter of fact, corozo buttons are not something new, before plastic took over the market, back in the 1940s, a significant part of the buttons manufactured in the world were corozo, including those of the USA Army´s uniform, and have been used since around the 1850s. Photo courtesy of Trafino Why choose a corozo button? 100% natural, sustainable, planet-friendly Biodegradable, organic, renewable, recyclable Vegan, no animal cruelty Combines design and craftsmanship Versatile, can be lasered, any design can be made Resistant to washing, dry cleaning and ironing Alternative to polyester (plastic) buttons and other natural buttons that can harm the environment Non-toxic – child safe Can be used in its natural white colour or dyed to any colour (dye to match) At microscopic level, corozo is composed of very tightly wound organic fibres that give the material excellent durability and scratch resistance, contributing to circularity in fashion. Its porous nature allows colours to penetrate deep into the surface, making it an excellent material for dyeing. Corozo is also well known for its elegant natural grain. TRAFINO created the NGO FOREVER LUNG TRAFINO created the NGO FOREVER LUNG to protect tropical forests where corozo palms grow wild, by working together with communities & artisans. The Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment awarded TRAFINO the “Green Initiative Prize” for promoting the rainforests conservation through a sustainable management of corozo. TRAFINO and FOREVER LUNG are working with local universities in the research and planning of a project to restore the buffer zones of tropical forests using native corozo palms and thus help the forest to recover and regain space. Here are some characteristics of the corozo palm tree: Corozo palms have multiple biological interactions with pollinating insects, thousands arrive during flowering time, as well as with wild forest animals, mainly rodents and small mammals. Corozo palms are an abundant and often dominant species in the structure of the tropical forest. For this reason, if we protect corozo palms, we conserve the entire forest and its interactions. Due to the high production of organic matter (big leaves, inflorescences and large infructescence), Corozo palms have a high rate of carbon fixation. Corozo palms prevent erosion and contribute to soil formation. Corozo palms promote the “milking of clouds”, maintaining humidity in forests. Corozo is an important cultural element in the identity of Ecuadorians. Photo courtesy of Trafino TRAFINO is also working with The United Nations Small Grants Program, The German Cooperation (GIZ), the IRD (French Institute of Research for Development), government institutions and other NGOs to strengthen and support corozo collecting communities, protect forests and take care of corozo palm trees. TRAFINO is also a member of the HOT PALM project Corozo is not only the best sustainable alternative for fashion and clothing industry in terms of design and durability, but also has a beneficial environmental and social component. By replacing plastic with corozo buttons, brands contribute to keeping tropical forests standing, reducing the carbon footprint of the fashion industry, curbing global warming, among many other benefits that this wonderful story brings. Help us spread the word. Guest Author Bio With 22 years of experience working with Corozo, Ignacio Alejandro Maya is Executive President of TRAFINO S.A., a leading company with more than 3 decades exporting this resource of Ecuadorian biodiversity. Passionate about this noble material, he has two Majors in Business Administration and Agribusiness and 2 Minors in Psychology and English from Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. In addition to a Diploma in Project Management from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, headquarters Toluca, Mexico. Founding member and Executive Director of the FOREVER LUNG Foundation created to work together with local communities to protect forests where corozo grows wild and, through sustainable management of this product, contribute to improving the quality of life of those who collect the nuts and the hundreds of artisans involved in the distribution chain. Link to website: Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

  • Book News: Healthy Fashion is Featured in Marie Claire Arabia + Book Features, Reviews, Excerpts

    In this post, I will share with you: - My book is featured in the Marie Claire Arabia magazine April issue - A book excerpt of Healthy Fashion - Healthy Fashion featured in new articles/interviews - New book reviews/recommendations for Healthy Fashion - A list of bookstores and e-bookstores selling Healthy Fashion Healthy Fashion featured in Marie Claire Arabia Photo Source: Marie Claire Arabia My book Healthy Fashion has been featured in Marie Claire Arabia’s new print issue-- April 2022! Many thanks to Marie Claire fashion editor Jessica Bounni for featuring Healthy Fashion. The feature is in the “What Our Fashion Editor Loves” Marie Claire report by fashion editor Jessica Bounni. The review/intro of the book was written by Fashion Editor Jessica Bounni: Arabic translated to English: “This month we advise you to read Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths. Alyssa Couture has written a guide to Fashion for Health. Healthy fashion offers fashion styles as an alternative health therapy where clothing is used as an alternative tool and as an alternative medicine for the mind, body, and spirit. The book also highlights unhealthy fashion and harmful synthetic and chemical substances that are toxic to the body. It is an experiment that reveals the deep truths of fashion as the book is based on the combination of science and spirit together.” - Jessica Bounni, Fashion Editor, Marie Claire Arabia An Excerpt from my book: “Healthy Fashion is a new model of modern, fresh, and high fashion designed for human health. Fashion for health is a new approach to fashion that awakens the soul and spirit. It is apparel used as an integrative tool and as an alternative medicine. When healthy fashion is worn, we become healthy fashion practitioners. We are living during an exciting time. It is the perfect time to introduce concepts of fashion for health. Fashion for health is an enlightening pursuit for this modern era. We are in a time of a spiritual and planetary awakening, and the fashion industry is in a bit of a transition right now. Fashion for health is being produced and promoted in a gradual progression, in pursuit of healing the mind, body, and spirit. Healthy Fashion establishes an alternative, modern approach to clothing: fashion deemed medicinal. Fashion becomes medicinal when it treats the body therapeutically and multidimensionally. Multidimensional fashion is fashion for physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual health. Fashion, to cure the ails of the body, is an important part of dress that will bring the Earth and humans back into balance.“ - Book excerpt from Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths New book features: I have been interviewed for an article by fashion company A Sustainable Closet: I was interviewed in their article: "Healthy Fashion- Are The Sustainability Movement Missing an Important Perspective?" The article is in regards to what healthy fashion is and what my new fashion book is about too. A Sustainable Closet is based in Sweden and is known worldwide-- "With the purpose of redefining what fashion and style means." I love their mission statement. Link to the article: My book is featured in the French fashion magazine Pearls Magazine: Anne-Sophie Castro founder of Pearls magazine published a lovely article about my new book Healthy Fashion! Pearls magazine is a French fashion magazine. The article is titled: "Healthy Fashion (I): “plants are the future of fashion” Check out the article's intro: "Are plants the future of fashion? "In her book, “Healthy Fashion, the Deeper Truths”, Alyssa Couture offers a new holistic view of fashion. It draws up an inventory of fashion “in transition” and focuses its reflection on our health and the individual and societal impact. This book is the first guide taking into account the power of our clothes on our bodies (physical, mental, emotional/energetic and spiritual). The Earth, in full planetary awakening, requires ethical fashion on all fronts. An overhaul of our beliefs and value system. It's up to us to restore meaning in our fashion consumption and production to start on a healthy basis. This book is a gift for the evolution of fashion!” - Pearls magazine Link to the article: I am a guest speaker on Bright Headed Publishing Bright Headed Publishing Book Club is a platform where authors and readers can meet. I am happy to be a part of her book club. Join their book club and check out their recent episode: Book Club - Meet Fashion Author Alyssa Couture S2 E31 Link to the episode: Here is the link to my press page for more features, podcast/ radio interviews, and articles about Healthy Fashion. New Goodreads reviews/book recommendations for Healthy Fashion I love GoodReads reviews. If you have read my book or if you are going to in the future-- I would love to have you rate/review the book on Goodreads, and wherever you bought the book. That would very helpful, and I thank you for the support! The link to my Goodreads page. Goodreads book review by Alexis Cuff founder of [Un]popular Fashion Society "This is a great read! Alyssa explains in great detail about how our clothes are more than just pieces of fabric that we put on every day. They can help us both mentally and physically. I have learned so much just reading this book and I encourage anyone that has an interest in fashion, healthy and sustainability to pick up a copy. Thanks Alyssa!" - Alexis Cuff founder of [Un]Popular Fashion Society Goodreads book review by Ana Isabel founder of In the light Growing Your Soul “This book was a big eye opener for me. It revealed the extent to which the fashion world is relying on cheap man made materials which are unhealthy for us and bad for the planet. Take heart though, it is also full of hope. Alyssa does a wonderful job of creating a comprehensive guide to plant based fabrics.” - Ana Isabel In the light Growing Your Soul Bookstores that sell Heathy Fashion I have counted and searched for bookstores that are online and also have a brick-and-mortar shops. I found 195 Bookstores that are selling my book, and if the book is not stocked, they can order Healthy Fashion and have it shipped to you, or you can pick it up at their bookstore. If you are a bookstore reading this post, and I haven't mentioned your bookstore, I may have a post that includes all 195 soon with a link to my book on your bookstore company site. You may also email me, and I will include your bookstore. Thank you so much for supporting Healthy Fashion! Here is a list of several of the bookstores that sell Healthy Fashion: Amazon Indie Bound Barnes & Noble BAM Books-A-Million Coles Books Indigo Waterstones Bulk Bookstore Yes 24 Kinokuniya Booktopia Powells Thriftbook The Reading Warehouse National Book Network JPC Krain Ksiazek,9781789045932.html The Book Company Mighty Ape WHSmith Tomlinsons Second Sale Bestsellers Blackwells Tales Imusic Direct Textbook Bokus Foyles,alyssa-couture-9781789045932 Renaud Bray Nataraj Books Saanjhi Adlibris Fishpond E-bookstores that sell Healthy Fashion You can order the book as an e-book. If you are interested in buying the Healthy Fashion e-book Here is a list of companies selling Healthy Fashion: Kindle: Nook-book: Kobo: Google Play Books: E-Books: Want to read more articles? Check them out here: HIGHLIGHTS

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